Dear Rich,
I apologize for not writing sooner, I’ve watched all you’ve done and are doing with your campaign and I know how important our kids (over politics) are to you. As your friend for over 20 years, and a woman, I want to thank you for all you do and voice my full support.
I know the quiet efforts and private support you have given in the past to our military, LEO’s and members of the community in need. While I’ve always respected your desire to do these things privately and with out fan fair, with the political climate as it is, I wish those things were widely known.
As always you have my full support and backing with regards to your character and how you will care for our communities children. In theory, as my child is grown and on his own, I have no kids in the game. As a parent who has had to utilize support in obtaining the education that helped my child successfully graduate, gain employment and ultimately move out on his own, I still feel vested in the success of the educational system.
Wishing you (and ultimately our children) the best of success,
Kelly A Brown