I have known Rich for about 6 years at this point. We met when our sons shared a class, and my son befriended his. My son frequently accompanies the Lieberman’s for events and family gatherings. We have communicated regularly since, about our children, business and as friends. With children attending the same school, Rich and I have discussed in detail over the years, the school system, our likes, dislikes and struggles as parents as well as what we feel needs more attention in the system. We have compared the school system in which I and his older son grew up, compared to the current methods. I completely support his running for School Board based on multiple encounters where we have pushed for things we felt our children needed and deserved in order to be successful in the public education system. I have always admired Rich’s ability to respectfully stand his ground when it came to the proper attention and accommodations for his son. I appreciate his willingness to stand up and say no when he feels that his child, or any child is being overlooked and dismissed and have watched him advocate in many ways over the years for students, including my son. I appreciate his involvement in non-profit organization in the area, his willingness to be open and accessible and the fact that I have never been told by him that he would handle something where he has not come through. Rich has been a great friend and someone I trust implicitly to put my children’s safety and best interest first.
Stacey Thomas, Spotsylvania Mother and Friend.