Fellow community members of the Lees Hill District – please consider voting for Mr. Rich Lieberman to serve as our representative on the Spotsylvania County School Board. As a former and current President of the Lees Crossing Home Owners Association, both of us have had the opportunity to witness Rich’s energy, integrity, and administrative competence when he served as both a member and then President of the HOA. Rich is a team-builder with a vast array of life and business experience who selflessly serves his community. During his tenure on the board, Rich personally reviewed and re-bid every service contract that our HOA had in place, saving our community money and improving service. Rich is also apolitical, which is to say that he does not blindly ascribe to an ideology. Before taking a position on an issue, Rich always listens to all stakeholders and objectively considers relevant facts. His decision-making process improves the functioning of any governing body. We are also Rich’s neighbors, and have seen firsthand how big his heart is. He is always ready to help a friend and he is a loving parent of a child who is a student within the county school system. Rich is just the type of person we need to affect positive change on our school board. We strongly endorse his candidacy.
Mr. Brad Gerstbrein
Mr. Rodney Bailey